Saturday, July 28, 2018

Kootenai Creek To Middle Fork Lake

Kootenai Creek is another one of those popular hikes that has lots and lots of people at the first two miles. I, in fact, was one of those people for the past 20 plus years, going only maybe up to three miles in, several of those times with one kid or another in my backpack, while making another one or two learn to "enjoy" the fun of hiking. It wasn't till this year, as my hikes have become longer, that I even thought about going all the way to the lakes beyond. 

There are four lakes to be reached, and I had an open mind at the start of it, knowing it would be about nine miles to the first one. I started the familiar three miles with my dog on a leash, so as not to annoy hikers with her exuberant personality. She is so sure everyone wants to play with her, she forgets that not all humans are dog people. Once I was sure we were beyond the usual traffic, Xena was free to roam, which makes us both happy. I no longer have to be pulled on, and she can jump in the creek or chase chipmunks to her heart's content. 

The hike is a straight forward creek hike, not too much elevation gain, which makes it fairly easy. Here was my problem with this one; I'm not sure it is always like this, or if the high amounts of rain we got this spring made it this way, but the underbrush, regularly concealing the trail, was hellacious. For the last six miles, I was regularly walking through brush, which was sometimes thorny, but mostly it felt like my legs were getting 50 lashes for doing something naughty. I would definitely recommend wearing a light pair of pants, instead of the short shorts I was sporting, just to spare your skin the agony. The scrapes weren't bad enough to scar, but it took a week to even consider wearing a skirt to work again.

Around mile 8, I started switch backing up, still trying to keep an eye on where the trail was going. By mile 9, I was wondering why I didn't have any glimpse or hint of a lake around. I kept going, but was becoming a bit unenchanted with this whole day. I came upon a sign that directed me to either South Kootenai Lake, or North Kootenai Lake. Neither of which, at this point, I was aiming for. It had become a long day, and I wanted to hit the first of the Middle Forks Lakes. Hmm, which trail to take? I wasn't quite sure, and the trail was a bit different than what my navigation app was telling me. But using intuition, and an educated guess, I went towards South Kootenai Lake. 

After another creek crossing (which I was loving, by the way. I knew this wasn't a steep hike, and when there's water, Chacos are a must. I never even considered jumping on a log to cross, or hop-scotching over rocks....just waded right in. My dirty little digits were refreshed every time!) I started up a hill to a large, flat rock area. Looking around, I thought, "This is silly. Why am I hell bent on getting to a lake, anyway?" I checked my navigation app, and wondered why I couldn't see a lake by now. After a moment of contemplation, I decided to push forward for a little longer, knowing I would be disappointed with myself if I didn't meet my original goal. It only took maybe ten yards before I saw it.....a LAKE! I was THRILLED! Off we went, down to the little lake, and after a bit of playing and taking pictures, back up we went. 

Now, I regularly just follow my dog, especially on the way back. She has a nose that has directed me in the right direction when I've gotten a bit off course every time. Little did I know, she was off to South Kootenai Lake. It took a moment, and some questioning on my part, to realize we were suddenly on the wrong large, flat rock area. I was thinking, "I really don't need any extra exercise today!"  So I called Xena back to me, back tracked for a bit, and found the proper trail. I was not looking forward to banging through all that brush on the way back, but knew it had to be done, and just about started back at a run. If I could have seen where my feet were, I would have. 

Now, even on a less favorite hike like this one, I still love being out in the woods and seeing the beauty of a new place in Montana. I apologize if there was complaining in this write up, I'd much rather have been getting scraped and bruised out in the wilderness, than have to be at home any day of the week! So, enjoy some pictures, and adventure on!

These rocky areas echo the creek so it sounds like you have a
creek on both sides of you

Xena finally getting some much needed water

Weird shaped berry!

Huckleberries! Albeit, unripe at this point

Last creek crossing

Not sure why I feel the need to prove I was actually here

More berries

The stats

The end stats

Friday, July 27, 2018

Bass Lake

The Bass Creek Trail is rather popular, with hikers and horses, so it's easy to find just between Florence and Stevensville. I'm not sure how many people end up going all the way to the lake, as I was the only one there on this day. I passed several people in the first two miles or so, but that was it on the way up. I had read that the lake was anywhere from 7.5 miles up, to 10 miles up. I felt like the most believable one I read was 9 miles, so that's what I was prepared for. 

This is a pretty gentle elevation gain for the first three miles, then there was about a mile of steep, rocky trail. Then it went back to gentle, then the last mile a little steeper and rocky again, but not too terrible. When you come to an open meadow, about two miles from the lake, you can see a waterfall in the distance. This is coming straight from the lake, and I always enjoy seeing my destination in the near future, although, I didn't actually know it at the time. When taking a full day to hike, I start thinking about how long it's going to take to get back, and I was wishing for a little less than 9 miles. Imagine my surprise when I got to the lake at 7.76 miles in. It is like getting a present in the middle of the week, for no reason at all! I was a little more ecstatic than I probably should have been! And, aside from cresting the top of a mountain and seeing glorious mountains as far as the eye can see, getting to a cool, clear lake, surrounded by mountains, is just about the next most beautiful thing, ever!

I spent a little time here, splashing in the water, letting my dog play in the water (she likes wading, not swimming) and checking out some of the campsites. I felt like I could've walked all the way to the other end of the lake, but like I said, I was happy it was only 7.76 miles in. It was a hot day, and after dunking my shirt in, and putting that nice, cool garment back on my body, we were ready to turn back. On the way down, I met up with a couple hanging out where I had had to take my shoes off to cross the creek. He asked about the meadow, as that was as far as they had gone. I told them it was only another, maybe two miles, and how beautiful it was. He seemed bummed at first, then decided it would be another day he'd have to get there. His girl looked exchausted, and none too excited to try it again! And as I took my shoes off to cross the creek, he pointed out the logs just a bit down, where you can cross. Oh, well, too late, and I'm a little clumsy on the logs, so this was just as good!

So, although I'm a bit sad about not getting to very many new peaks this year, I've decided the mountain lake hikes are pretty rewarding. Also, my dog gets ridiculously hot, so staying along a creek the whole way, she tells me, is just right for her!

Looking up towards Little St. Joe

St. Joseph peeking through the trees

Creek crossing

Snow capped mountains are just the shizzle

Proving I'm actually here and not just stealing pictures. My vanity takes a great
hit when hiking!

Xena, in her happy place

The scenery on the way back isn't too ugly, either

I didn't download the navigation app before I was out
of cell range, so this is what I saw

The final specs, after getting back in cell range

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Fuse Lake

There isn't much to say about this hike, except that it is adorable! Only 2.6 miles to the lake, but that's about all I needed, as I was still feeling my muscles from the Stuart Peak hike two days earlier. 

To get here, you can go through Phillipsburg, or Hamilton. I chose Hamilton, as driving down the Bitterroot is beautiful and makes me a happy girl! Just past Hamilton, take 38 towards Skalkaho Falls. After the falls, it's another 7 miles to the trailhead. It's on the left and marked by a sign that just says 12. There's plenty of parking. I believe it may be shorter coming from Phillipsburg, by just a little bit.

There is little elevation gain as you go, so it isn't difficult. However, it is a pretty rocky trail, so running would be a ridiculous thing to do to your ankles! Make sure you bring your fishing pole, because this is, from what I've read, one of the few places in Montana that has grayling in it. And they were jumping all over the place, in the middle of the day! Jeff tells me it's the first time he's ever caught a grayling, so he was pleased. Not very big, but squirmy little guys! There are also several camping spots, so I may have to revisit this for an over-nighter. 

I just love seeing these on my hikes. I wish I could
bring a bunch home with me!

One of the camping spots

The firepit amongst some stone seats

Xena, thinking Jeff is throwing a toy for her

You know you're at a Montana mountain lake when the
water is this crystal clear

Reeling in the first grayling

Check out that dorsal fin!

Me, doing my usual goofy thing

Don't know where this other trail comes from, but may be another to try

Maybe, don't walk around the lake without shoes, all
this pitch ended up sticking to my socks!

Stuart Peak

Stuart Peak is right here in Missoula. I started up it two years ago when I realized I hadn't brought enough water on a hot, sunny day. I would have been fine, but I had just started hiking my new fur baby, and she was downing all the water. (Who wears a black fur coat in the summer, anyway?) After talking to a friend who ran up it a few weeks ago, I thought I'd give it another try, but not from the typical Rattlesnake Trail Head. I had hiked the Ravine Trail in Grant Creek a good many times, and it hooks into the Rattlesnake Recreation Area, and on a map, it looks quite a bit shorter. So, thinking I would shave a mile or two off, one way, up I went. 

For starters, this is a steeper trail. I already knew that, and didn't mind that part, as long as it was shorter. At about 2.7 miles, it hooks up with Sawmill or Curry Gulch trail....not sure which, as they both go up that way. Then it winds around and back down for a little over a mile, before it hooks up with Spring Gulch, or the Stuart Peak Trail. The problem with this part is that it drops 900 feet in this mile. No biggie going down, but remember, you have to come back up at the end of the day. From start to Peak, that's 9.2 miles of hiking, 18.4 round trip. When you know you only have 4 miles to go to be done, that last uphill climb is suddenly very daunting. I took my sweet time here, as it had been a long day already! Long story short, I did NOT shave off any mileage, but I felt like I got extra points for stupidity!

Where you hit the wilderness and have to leave your
mountain bike behind, if you've ridden up...they're not

Stuart Peak getting close. I thought I had one mile left,
but it was two miles to go.

Close up on....what is that giant structure? I don't know.
Thought maybe a giant telescope building? Do we have
one of those in Missoula?

Looking down into Missoula

Little path down to the lakes....I was tempted, but I
didn't want to hike back up.