Monday, September 14, 2015

Mt. Tiny...A hike that started out to be Kurt Peak

My original idea was to summit Kurt Peak.  As it frequently happens, my plan did not go... well, as planned.  The first 2.5 miles is the exact same hike as Little Rainbow Mountain, but instead of taking a left at Storm Lake Pass, one would take a right, on an obvious path towards Goat Flat.  This I did, and as I tromped over Goat Flat, towards a point that looked like the beginning of a ridge over to Kurt Peak, I worried what I would find at the top of said point.  It was not as I had hoped.  What greeted me was a narrow, rocky ridge that after much consideration, I decided was probably out of my league.  I may have considered it longer if the wind wasn't whipping through so strongly, and raising my fears of being blown off the mountain all together. I hate when this happens...the disappointment of not being able to summit a new mountain almost makes me feel like I wasted the day. But, I got over my disappointment in a hurry, when I decided to hit Mt. Tiny instead. So, as I turned to go back downhill, I realized my feet were in real pain, and hoped I could make it up Mt. Tiny. But let me explain, as my feet have done plenty of hiking, and this rather small hike didn't cause the problem.  I had gone to a concert two days earlier, and feeling like I had to look the part of "rocker chick," I wore what some would consider overly high heels.  Now, let me give you some really solid advice here:  If you're going to run around for several hours two days before a 9 mile hike, don't wear your super slutty, high heels.  There, I feel better just knowing you will heed this great warning!  So, now is the time for some pictures!  I had my wonderful photographer with me:) and he was in quite the mood to get pictures of me with the wonderful backgrounds, so I apologize up front for putting myself in the way of the scenery.  Hope you enjoy them anyway!

Upper Seymour Lake

Looking at Mt. Tiny from the opposite side of Goat Flat

Mt. Tiny on the left, Little Rainbow Mountain on the right

Jeff, walking along the ridge towards the point that connects to Kurt Peak

Kurt Peak is just off my right shoulder

The narrow ridge I decided against scrambling over

Trying to keep my hair out of my face....I completely ruined the scenery in this one!

Looking at Little Rainbow Mountain from Mt. Tiny

A little lake, not sure of the name

Sitting on Mt. Tiny. I love the feeling that I am surrounded by mountains!
Looking like a hippie, but greatful that I finally remembered
my ever-present bandana. No more hair-in-the-face issue!

Looking up towards Kurt Peak from the pass

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