Friday, August 28, 2015

The 2014 Hiking Season

I had planned a new hike today, but with the extreme amount of smoke from forest fires, I very sadly had to make the decision to cancel it because a) the smoke is downright dangerous to breathe and b) the pictures at the summit would have been nothing but haze. So, here I sit at my computer looking back at the beauty I've had the good fortune to gaze upon.  If you are a friend, you've most likely seen these in one of my many posts, so I will just post a few highlights from last year.  Most of these hikes are straightforward, with trails easily looked up on, or the forest service website. Also, most are in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana, which I have come to fall in love with over these past few years.  Hope you enjoy!
The view of Bozeman from their "M" trail

Mt. Jumbo as viewed from the top of Mt. Sentinel

The sunset from my back deck....just had to throw this one in!

My daughter, Sydney, came along on the Bear Creek hike

Mt. Dean Stone with my friends dogs

University Mountain

St. Mary Peak. One of the most beautiful summits from last year!

Glacier Lake in Condon, MT

Looking up at Ch-paa-qn Peak, known more familiarly to locals as the politically incorrect "Squaw Peak"

Looking down on Glacier Lake on the week-later hike to Crescent Lake

Crossing the creek on the way to Crescent Lake

The view of Lolo Peak (the left) on my first failed attempt to summit it

A smokey day as I'm about to summit Trapper Peak, the highest of the Bitterroots. Not sure what the sour look on my face is all about?

Little St. Joe.  Another one of my favorite hikes from 2014.

Doing some fly fishing on Blodgett Creek

Bear Creek Overlook on a dreary, rainy day.

The view from the top of Ward Mountain

Some more fly fishing, on Heart Lake this time.

Gash Point.  I remember it was beautiful at the top, but with no trail and LOTS of deadfall, my legs were a mess after this one!

Boulder Point. There is an old lookout here that I'm told back country skiers use. I wrote a little something in the notebook here :)

Sweeney Peak. I think I'm such a stud!

Looking down at North Canyon Lake on the way up to North Canyon Peak (which I didn't quite make)

On the way up to Lolo Peak on my second failed attempt. But the distant mountains look like islands in the low clouds from my elevation!

And, of course, Mt. Sentinel, after getting above the clouds on a foggy day.  This is my go-to hike during the winter months, so as to stay in shape for my rather short hiking season that only Montana can give me.

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